Technical Specifications and features [ automated cutter - technical specifications Mod. TS 1430 ]
- Botanical material is fed horizontally into the cutter by means of a two-sided conveyor belt and rollers, so that the material is perfectly positioned when it reaches the knife
- Timing of the delivery of the material is programmable
- The length of cut is adjustable and programmable
- The 30 cm knife repeats a downward and angled cutting motion at the desired pace to ensure consistent sizing
- Once cut, the material is discharged into a portable collection bin
- Built entirely of stainless steel - 304 type - with removable panels the HerbCut is easy to clean and maintain
- A self-sharpening blade ensures prolonged cutting efficacy
- Blades are also easy to inspect and replace as necessary
- Energy efficient
- An integrated safety system ensures reliability and safety for the operator
- The cutting machine is certified CE and compliant with applicable accident prevention safety standards
- HerbCut comes with an instruction manual
- Technical assistance available upon request